Ludzie stąpają po
twardych kamieniach.
Często myśląc, że
to piaszczysta ziemia...
Tak chodzą po nich,
nie wiedząc, że dalej,
Jest piękniejsze to
co tak im nieznane.
Tam widnieje woda-
znak wielkiej nadziei.
Nad nimi jasne niebo
dar od matki ziemi.
Choć ciemność i
czarne chmury na niebie.
Idąc przez to,
szczyt góry czeka na Ciebie.
Za wodą unoszą się
wysokich gór pasma.
W człowieku chęć
ich zdobycia narasta.
Wszystko co piękne,
na Ciebie czeka.
Podążaj za tym nim
zamknie się powieka.
To nie raz jest
trudne, to takie ciężkie.
Opuścić kamienie i
odszukać szczęście.
Gdy znajdziesz się
na wodzie czyhają fale.
To wszystko by na
szczycie góry się znaleźć.
People are treading on hard stones.
Often thinking that it is a sandy earth...
This way they walk on them, not knowing, that farther,
It is more beautiful what yes for them the unknown.
There water- is seen sign of great hope.
Above them bright sky gift from the mother of the earth.
At least darkness and black clouds in the sky.
Going because of that, the top of a mountain is waiting for you.
Behind water they are rising of high mountains of the strip.
In the man desire for capturing them is growing.
Everything what beautiful, is waiting for you.
Follow it before an eyelid closes.
It more than once is difficult, it is so heavy.
To leave stones and to seek happiness out.
When you will be on water waves are lying in wait.
That's all in order to be on the top of a mountain
People are treading on hard stones.
Often thinking that it is a sandy earth...
This way they walk on them, not knowing, that farther,
It is more beautiful what yes for them the unknown.
There water- is seen sign of great hope.
Above them bright sky gift from the mother of the earth.
At least darkness and black clouds in the sky.
Going because of that, the top of a mountain is waiting for you.
Behind water they are rising of high mountains of the strip.
In the man desire for capturing them is growing.
Everything what beautiful, is waiting for you.
Follow it before an eyelid closes.
It more than once is difficult, it is so heavy.
To leave stones and to seek happiness out.
When you will be on water waves are lying in wait.
That's all in order to be on the top of a mountain
Dorota Kozieł- Fotografia
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